
Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Whole Foods Miracle Health Benefits

Whole Foods, otherwise known as foods in there raw form - uncooked - provides astounding health benefits. The definition of raw food means to not heat foods above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The reason for this is due to losing vital nutrients and enzymes in its natural state. Foods consumed in this state fuel bodies with necessary nutrition while also naturally detoxifying.

Foods that consist of dairy, meat, and processed foods not only have a gravely poor level of nutrition, they are also full of toxins which build up internally through organs, pores and cellular structures - preventing the natural function of digestion and organ function. Many modern foods are considered dead foods. Not only are they mineral deficient, they also have other unhealthy attributes:

- Affected by being hormonally altered- Treated with antibiotics- Sprayed with pesticides- Contain refined sugars, salts, and grains

As toxins build up, the level of risk to major disease elevates. Also, a diet based upon the above low qualities places one at risk for a metabolic breakdown called, Syndrome X. The affects of this syndrome are low energy, dysfunctional immune system, and an inability to lose weight - thus, leading to obesity, diabetes, etc.

There are 2 sources of releasing toxins. One way is through exercise. Exercise breaks down toxins collected from environmental pollutants and foods. The other is to incorporate raw foods into a diet. Gradually, adding raw foods is essential, as to not shock the body into detoxification. The lists below are great examples of whole fruits and vegetables to enjoy in a raw state to maximize essential minerals and nutritional benefits, while also naturally bringing a body to a more alkaline state. Foods that are alkaline forming aid in naturally detoxifying a body down to a cellular level.

Essential whole fruits:

- Apples- Apricots- Bananas- Blackberries- Cantaloupe Melon- Grapes- Kiwifruit- Lemons/Limes- Mangoes- Oranges- Strawberries- Watermelon

Essential whole vegetables

- Asparagus- Avocados- Bean Sprouts- Beetroot- Broccoli- Carrots- Cauliflower- Celery- Cucumber- Green Beans- Kale- Kelp- Leeks- Lettuce- Peppers- Radishes- Spinach (Also a Super food)- Tomatoes- Winter Squash- Zucchini

Foods in a natural state are true health foods. Other beneficial feeds in this category are legumes, nuts, and herbs. The best quality is to purchase or grow food organically.

The benefits of a whole foods diet are astounding. Since these foods are loaded with essential vitamins and mineral naturally, a healthy dose on a consistent basis can alleviate one from needing to take extra vitamin supplement in the dead form. Also, the more whole foods in a diet with naturally lower the amount of food needed to consume. When food is cooked it loses it nutrients. Processed foods have limited, if any nutrients to begin with, along with many extra additives which make a body work harder during the digestion process. On the other hand, people who eat more raw foods tend to look younger, have more energy, as well as healthy skin. The chances of contacting a major disease such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are greatly reduced.

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