
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bleeding Gums Home Remedies and Natural Treatments

The sign of bleeding gums is related with infection of gum. It is the disease which is related with the infection of gum. In this condition of gum bleeding the gums becomes swollen which is followed by lot of loss of blood from the mouth during eating, gargling or brushing. This problem may develop mouth ulcers in the inner areas of cheeks or in between the teeth. Due to this problem a person may suffer from lot of pain during eating or while talking. Few more symptoms are there in the person suffering from gum bleeding. There may be redness on the inner cheeks and tongue, ulcers and the blisters, bleeding teeth and gums and there may be drooling at night. The cause of these problems may be indigestion, poor diet options and also poor oral hygiene.

There are lots of home and natural remedies to get rid off from this problem. You can also contact to a dentist to solve this problem.

Before following any natural remedy make a habit to wash your mouth after taking every meal. It is a common sense and a good hygiene and also reduces the pain to half.

Some of the common home remedies for bleeding gums -

1. Make a habit to drink lemon juice every morning after brushing your teeth. It will help the person to get rid from this disorder. This remedy will help to cure the bleeding and as well as swollen of the gums effectively. This remedy is also very effective in reducing the weight.

2. You can also add a pinch of soda in your tooth paste every morning. This will help in brushing away the ulcers and the blood which is lost during the night. Baking soda is very effective for reducing the problem of bleeding gums. It not only reduces the pain of the swollen gums but also reduces the amount of blood lost as well as makes our teeth to sparkle. To cure disorders related to the bleeding gums you have to maintain good oral hygiene.

3. You must floss after every meal. It will help in reducing the problem.

4. Make a solution by mixing salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Rinse your mouth with this saline solution every morning and in the evening. This home remedy is also very effective in reducing the problem of bleeding gums.

5. You must use the mouth wash which contain peppermint oil, sage oil, menthol or chamomile.

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